Sunday, February 14, 2010

New Comic on Burning Phoenix Comics

The cover art for our new comic Vanguard is up on the Burning Phoenix Comics webpage. Check it out!!

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Times, they are a changin'

Times, they are a changin'. As Silran666, a.k.a. Manny, and I have been developing Impossible Box Studios, we have remained quite flexible with the manner of artistry and content that our site will contain. Due to recent activities, we have decided to add Social Media Coaching to our list of services that we will be ...providing in the future.

This does not change our commitment to producing quality art. It only adds to the list of services we will be providing.

In other news, we have added Shawn, a new artist to the Impossible Box Studios cadre of artists. He is working on some children books that we will be producing for sale sometime in the future.

For those of you looking for the web comics we are producing, you can find them at At the time of this writing there is no content on the site, but it will be up shortly. Burning Phoenix Comics is our new web comic hosting site that will host all comics and books that are rated PG or higher. Impossible Box Studios will host everything else that is G rated or lower.

You can follow us on Twitter at or
We also have a Burning Phoenix Comics fan page you can become a member of too if you would like. The link is here: